I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, George Owen at 16:03 hours. Members present: George Owen, Dee Potter, Mike Williams, and Larry Helsley. Members absent: Bill Britton. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2013 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC: Williams/Helsley approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve – Employment Contract with Scott Alvord, short discussion on the contract.
MSC: Potter/Williams approved Employment Contract with Scott Alvord.
B. Discuss/Approve – Increasing the budget for the flooring in the office, Chief Alvord passed around samples of a less expensive less quality carpet and samples of a more expensive better quality carpet. The difference in price to get the better quality carpet is $279.00 more than budgeted. There was discussion on line item #2150 Maintenance of Structure, and that only 45% of the budget for that line item was used, leaving additional funding available for the extra cost in the flooring.
MSC: Potter/Helsley approved increasing the budget for the flooring in the office.
C. Discuss/Approve – The surplus of various items in upstairs storage, Chief Alvord explained that the quilters club is going to have a fundraiser garage sale. He would like to clean up the storage room up-stairs and surplus various items to sell at the garage sale. All of the money would come back to the fire department and placed in the general funds to purchase new equipment. George Owen and Scott Alvord will get together and go through the items to determine what will be surplused.
MSC: Potter/Helsley approved to surplus various items in the upstairs storage.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord passed around the file containing many customer reviews on the Title III Hazard Reduction Program. All of them were good reviews and the fire department is receiving great feedback from the customers who greatly appreciate the program.
B. Fire Chief/Marshall Report:
· The engines have been serviced.
· Engine 2121 is now in Southern Trinity; they were thrilled to get it.
· Wildland Readiness Drill is going great; our members stand out as being very professional and ready to work.
· Critical Stress Debriefing – There was a very positive outcome from biofeedback. There will be a ‘Train the Trainers’ program.
· Decon trailer is built and ready to go. Did a training on May 15th; went very well.
· EMS Expo was at the WFD; performed an active shooter scenario.
· Saturday June 1st was the Living with Wildfire class; twenty-five members of the community were present. The class went very well.
· Chief’s meeting: Travel analysis maps. Cal-Trans did a presentation on how emergency services vehicles will get through the construction area as first priority going to Redding and coming back.
· Attended the North Ops. Meeting – it’s going to be a very dangerous fire season.
· Attended the Strike Team Leader meeting.
· Mother’s Day rose sales did well this year.
· Hosted a Rotary Luncheon at the fire station; went very well, the Explorers gave their presentation on the Explorer Academy. The Rotary club of Weaverville donated $250.00 toward the next Explorer Academy.
C. Sleeper Program Reports: Chief states that the maintenance is going well at both stations.
D. Committee Reports:
· Recruitment Committee: No report
· Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis
· Contract Committee: The contract with Amerigas has no changes, we are receiving the product at the same price.
· Tuition Committee: No report
· Budget Committee: Working on the preliminary budget for 2013/2014, waiting for the county to have their totals (mid July). Some discussion on propane vs. electricity as far as costs go.
E. Director Reports: No report.
VI. CORRESPONDENCE: SDRMA election packet.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:00 hours.
__________________________ __________________________
George Owen, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, District Clerk